Today I’m linking up with Mel.
What we’re eating this week…
With THREE holidays this month alone it feels like we are always eating. So when it’s not a holiday and it’s just us 4 at home we are eating easy dinners like this chicken and peppers stir fry with rice.What I’m reminiscing about…
Jacob’s 1st time at the Dodgers game! We had such a fun day. Read more about our day here.What I’m loving…
The Starbucks fall cups. They make me happy!
What we’ve been up to…
It’s been kind of busy around here. Sarah started school a few weeks ago. She’s also playing soccer on the weekends. Jacob and I started mommy and me classes a few weeks ago. We’ve had lots of holidays and lots of things to attend.
What I’m dreading…
Teething! Jacob is already slobbering everywhere. I’m hoping he’s not going to be in too much pain in the coming months. Until then you can catch him with his fingers in his mouth a drippy nose.
What I’m working on…
Believe it or not we still haven’t completely moved into our condo. There is so much going on and the little time I do have I rest or blog ;) After the holidays I’m going to focus on getting us completely moved it.
What I’m excited about…
With Jacob turning 6 months in less then a week I thought it was time to finally set aside some time to finish decorating his nursery. Hubby watched the kiddos so I could put up this vinyl. It took me a lot longer then I (both of us) thought! Stay tuned for a virtual tour.
What I’m watching/reading…
I’m watching Ladies of London. Love their accents and the crazy British drama!What I’m listening to…
I’m loving Taylor Swift’s Wildest Dreams.
What I’m wearing…
With many synagogue and holiday events this month I’ve been dressing up a lot more then usual. My go to look is a pencil skirt, flowy top and booties. Here is an example of an outfit I’ve already worn. See more of my inspiration here.What I’m doing this weekend…
It’s another busy weekend. We have a walk to attend and our town’s festival.
What I’m looking forward to next month…
Cooler weather! It’s been so so hot here! It’s been over 100 for the past few weeks. I’m ready for Fall.What else is new…
Halloween costumes have been purchased! The kiddos will have matching costumes. Can’t wait!
Question of the month: What’s your favorite Halloween tradition?
I love hosting a fancy Halloween dinner where I make everything look spooky. I call it Spooky Shabbat. Read more about it here.
Happy Wednesday!