10 pictures on the 10th day of the month. Finding life and beauty in the ordinary things of our day to day!
Check out last month’s post here.
Here is a sneak peek of our day!
My morning started a little early (actually way to early)! 7 am to be exact. We bought this Toddler Clock after we came back from our trip to Israel so that Sarah could adjust to the time. Instead of waiting for her clock to glow at 7:30 am she calls for me to let me know it has not yet turned on. Oh man, how I miss my great sleeper!!
With Passover a few days away we are working on getting rid of our Chametz plus I was super grumpy so Sarah and I ate cereal for breakfast.
Thursdays are my drop off day. While waiting for my friend, Liza I admired the quiet car.
I really prefer to go without Sarah to run my errands. Therefore my friend Liza and I usually run our errands on Thursday while the girls are in school. Today we went to Kohls, Target and Toys-R-Us.
Before heading back to pick up Sarah I grabbed a drink.
After school a few of us hang out by the picnic tables while our kids eat lunch. No matter what I pack for her she ends up eating other kids foods. Luckily the other kids eat her food so I guess it works out.
After school we headed to the super market to pick up a few things for dinner. Of coarse my little snacker “needed” to sample the strawberries we purchased.
I don’t normally nap when Sarah naps, but I’ve been going to sleep so late lately that I’ve been napping in the afternoons.
After our naps we headed outside to play. I munched on the beautiful strawberries we picked up earlier in the day while Sarah had a Popsicle.
Shortly after our 5 year old neighbor came out to join us. They kids played so well together and had so much fun until Sarah got excited and started running after him. As soon as she landed on the cement she started to scream. As I headed over I knew it was because she was bleeding. Sure enough she tripped and scraped her knee on the same exact spot she had scraped her knee earlier in the week. This marked the first time she bled. It took me a while to calm her down.
Luckily daddy got home on the earlier side and was able to comfort our baby.
With Sarah calm and dinner cooked, I headed to my first Pilates class.
Thanks to my friend Jen who suggested I buy the Groupon and join her for a class. It was fun! Hard, but fun. Looking at my self in the mirror for that long kind of freaked me out though! I have 2 more classes left before I can decided if I want to continue. Have you ever done Pilates?
Hope you had a nice 10th!

Yes, doing Pilates is on my “to do” list. I have to do it. Soon…
And it hert so much to see her knee :(((
2 days later and I’m still sore!
[…] Check out last month’s post here. […]