10 pictures on the 10th day of the month. Finding life and beauty in the ordinary things of our day to day!
Check out last month’s post here.
Here is a sneak peek of our day!
The day started with Sarah telling me that her ear has “googkies” aka puss. After looking at it I quickly called our doctor’s office who had an opening later that morning. Thanks to whoever called and canceled!
For breakfast we had our favorite, corn cakes and cream cheese.
After we got ready and headed out, I noticed a cool breeze. My car thermometer read 66 degrees outside!! It’s been super hot every morning so this was a nice change
I love my doctor’s office! Not only do they know us by name (which is very unusual with our medical plan), but they also have free coffee! Total mom save!
A few minutes later we entered our room and waited for Sarah’s Doctor to come in.
She confirmed what we already knew, Sarah had an ear infection. However this time it was draining! Not only is that gross, but it means the tubes that were placed in her ears when she was 17 months old are working!! Finally some good news to her ever painful ear problems.
After leaving our room, Sarah wanted to continue playing with ABC chart for “2 more minutes” as she holds up 3 fingers.
We hurried to our Camp Mommy event for the day where all the kids got to make their own pizzas.
After lunch a few moms and I headed to Barnes N Noble for some fun. I bought Sarah a new book.
Before heading home for nap we picked up Sarah’s ear drops.
During nap time I found out my blog post for Homemade Sidewalk Chalk was published!
After nap we snacked on one of our favorite snacks, spinach chips. Recipe can be found here.
The rest of the afternoon was spent in and out of the house. Unfortunately my phone died and I didn’t get to take any additional pictures.
Hope you had a nice 10th!
{Sorry for the late post. We had a brutal week due to Hand Foot Mouth Disease}

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