10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
Jacob has been waking up at 6 am the past few weeks. It’s been brutal!!! I don’t do 6 am! So after his bottle, we played for a bit before and then headed back to bed for naps. 

Hubby got up with Sarah while I napped for a little. Sarah woke me up after hubby left for the day.
I finally got my act together and made breakfast. Sarah has been on a sunny-side egg kick. I made one for me too on whole wheat toast and topped it with avocado.
Jacob woke up and we headed to a play date. We played in the park with our friends until it got too hot. Jacob was more interested in eating snacks then playing. My kind of kid!
My favorite snack container can be found here.

We headed home for lunch and Jacob’s nap. I made my go-to lunch, salad with Quinoa Cowboy Veggie Burgers.

After nap, our friends came over for a play date. We rode bikes and enjoyed the cool afternoon.

We headed back inside so I could prep for dinner.
Jacob was cranky so I had him on my hip while sauteing ground beef with the other. For dinner we had pasta with meat sauce, but because I’m watching my carb intake I made this instead.
Jacob was tired now and I was exhausted. I got Sarah situated with the iPad while I put Jacob down for the night.

As we sat for dinner, hubby walked in. It’s been a long day and I was ready for bed. I relaxed for a bit while hubby gave Sarah a shower and put her to bed. We sat down, watched a show and then headed to bed.

Hope you had a nice 10th!

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[…] a nice 10th! To see past posts, click below: January (forgot to take pics) February March April May June July (forgot) August September (forgot) […]
[…] a nice 10th! To see past posts, click below: January (forgot to take pics) February March April May June July (forgot to take […]
[…] a nice 10th! To see past posts, click below: January (forgot to take pics) February March April […]