10 pictures on the 10th day of the month.
My morning started earlier then usual. Sarah had her parent teacher conference last month, but by the time I went to sign up all the decent times were taken. So I contacted the teacher and she suggested I wait and see if there was any cancellations. A month later (probably when she realized I still haven’t had my meeting) she sent me an email asking if I could come the following day at 7:45 am. After replying to her email, I cringed. I knew it was going to be a difficult morning, but I knew we needed to meet.

I came back home, hubby left for work and Jacob and I left to meet up with our friends for open play.

Next we went to the grocery store and grabbed some groceries and lunch.
I drove home while Jacob fell asleep in the car.

I had lunch, cleaned a bit, checked email and blogged. My friend posted this picture from last weekend’s birthday party. Love my sweet mama friends!

Jacob woke up and we headed out to pick up Sarah from school.
We spent the rest of the day outside with the neighborhood kids. This is also where I totally forgot to take pics the rest of the day.