Documenting 10 pictures on the 10th day of the month.
Here is a peek into our day!
I’m not a morning person, but thankfully my hubby gets it and wakes up with the kids when he can.
While I got ready, he fed the kids breakfast and surprised me with a breakfast sandwich to go.

Thanks babe! Love you!!
After I dropped off Sarah at school and drove Jacob to his class field trip at the farm for their Harvest Festival.

The day started off cool, but it quickly got hot and we were all melting. An ice pop was the perfect way to end the day.

J fell asleep on the way home, but I needed to run an errand so I transferred him into the stroller.

I transferred him once again into the car. I didn’t want to test my luck so I passed through a drive thru and let him sleep in the car some more.

It was hot and I wanted to do some things around the house before the afternoon chaos so I transferred J to his bed.
I ran the dishwasher, did a load of laundry and cleaned up breakfast.

I got 30 minutes before he woke up. Boo!
We picked up Sarah and drove back home. I forgot my phone at home.
The kids had a little iPad time while I did more laundry.
I was craving chocolate so the kids and I baked a Foodstirs kit. 
After indulging, we all went out for a walk.
I love seeing J try to keep up with the big kids.
When hubby works late I get lazy and don’t like to cook. Since we needed milk and a new dinner, I took the kids to the store. They each got a little cart and picked out their dinner. Sarah wanted fish sticks and Jacob wanted pizza. 

I was wiped and needed some downtime. I reached 12/12 standing time at 6pm! I put on a movie and ate on the couch.

By 8 both kids were bathed, read to and put to bed. Hallelujah!!
I plopped on the couch, watched Housewives of Dallas and worked a little bit. 
Love this show!
Hubby and my sister finally arrived. He was working late and my sister is in town for a visit so he picked her up from the airport. We caught up for a few minutes and then I went to bed. 
Such a busy day!
I love looking back at these posts and seeing what my day looked like.
See previous posts below.
10 on 10 July
10 on 10 May
10 on 10 February
10 on 10 January
Hope you had a nice 10th!