10 pictures on the 10th day of the month.
Check out last month’s post here.
Here is a sneak peek of our day!
My morning started very sluggish (more then normal!). Hubby worked late the night before. Unfortunately, I have a hard time falling asleep without him. So every few minutes I flapped my arm around as I felt for his body. I finally felt his arm (around 2 am) and fell into deep sleep.
After getting Sarah at 7:45 am and setting her up with a cup of milk, I began prepping her lunch. I cut the veggies and fruit the night before, but made the PB&J sandwich in the morning. I used a cookie cutter in the shape of Elmo’s face in the hopes she’d eat the sandwich. Sarah doesn’t like bread. She prefers a hot lunch to traditional lunches, making it hard to pack her a lunch.
We got dressed and headed to school. School starts at 9am, but I don’t leave until 8:55 am as school is less then a mile away.
Ever since she could walk I have always held her hand when crossing the street. We still hold hands when crossing a street, but now she continues to hold my hand as we walk to and from places.
I love holding her little hand.
I dropped her off and headed back home. After a quick shower I got dressed and headed to my first mommy group event without Sarah. It was weird bot having Sarah at the meetup, but it was a breakfast event so there wasn’t any kid involvement. It was cute when her friend, Ayden asked where she was. These kids are not used to seeing the moms without their friends. And frankly I’m not used it either. However it was nice eating a meal and talking to the mamas without having to watch Sarah’s every move.
After breakfast I headed to JoAnn’s to find some baskets for a project I’m working on. Luckily I found two choices that should work.
I headed back to school around 12:45 pm and picked up my little lady.
After Sarah gave me her recap of the day we headed home. She normally doesn’t finish her lunch so I give her the leftovers as we wind down and watch a show together.
Around 2pm I put her down for a nap.
While checking email I came across an incredible deal. The ballet studio I had planned to sign Sarah up posted this awesome deal. So happy I waited to sign her up! This deal is incredible! If you live in my area you should join us on Tuesdays for the 3 to 4 year old class.
I checked on Sarah and saw that she was still in a deep sleep. I decided to turn my computer off and nap as well. I was exhausted from the night before.
Hubby came home early and woke Sarah up at 4:30 pm (the latest we let her nap).
We had her our afternoon snack of pretzels thins and humus. We eat this snack about 3x a week. Love it!
Sarah watched a show while I prepped dinner. I Meal Plan each week, but I didn’t like the salmon section at the supermarket so I ended up switching Thursday meal with today’s. PS I love Meal Planning and I hate going to the grocery store multiple times a week.
I made Pizza Cups and a Cesar salad for dinner. They were easy to make, but we didn’t love them. They were just eh.
After dinner we went on a walk. As soon as we started walking, Sarah noticed our shadows.
Not feeling fulfilled from dinner we walked to Fresh and Easy to pick up some ice cream.
So many delicious choices!
We decided to sit on the bench near the supermarket and answer my parents Facetime call.
My phone died as we walked back home. After we dropped off our groceries and left my phone to charge we went outside to play with the neighborhood kids.
It’s getting darker earlier now, but with out a phone I had no clue what time it was. We started heading back as hubby came out to look for us.
After some fun in the bath, Sarah got a real good scrub.
Hubby got her dressed and finished the rest of the nighttime routine (teeth, book, prayers and bed).
Hubby and I both checked our emails for a few minutes before we sat and watched our show, The League.
Hope you had a great 10th!