10 on 10 {September 2015}

For the past year I have been participating in a special “10 pictures on the 10th day of the month” post with other bloggers. Sure I don’t always get to take 10 pictures throughout the day, but that’s okay. I capture what I can. I think it’s a fun way to share my life through pictures.

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After I fed Jacob I put him down to play with Sarah in the gym.

IMG_0134I prepared breakfast and then sat down to eat with Sarah.IMG_0136After putting Jacob down for a nap, Sarah and I went to water our garden. IMG_0137We all got dressed and headed to the park. Pushing a double stroller in the 100 degree weather was not easy!IMG_0139We got to park all hot and sweaty, played for a bit and then sat down on the bench. Sarah decided she wanted to put her Build-a-Bear shoes on Jacob’s feet. IMG_0145Jacob napped while we walked back home. I love when he falls asleep on me. IMG_0152Back home, Sarah played while I worked on my next blog post. Hint: This little guy is going to be my model. IMG_0153Trying to make dinner while one baby is crying and one toddler complains she is sooo hungry and can no longer wait.IMG_0164Unfortunately dinner, Butternut Squash Mac & Cheese was a flop and no one really ate.IMG_0169

Looking back at my pictures it looked like we had a relaxing normal day. Instead it was quite draining. Throughout the day I was dealing with family drama that included lots of emails, texts and phone calls. It was chaotic, long and sweaty. And I’m so happy it’s over.

Funny how no one would know if it wasn’t for these pics. Glad I have them to remind me of the important things in life.

Hope you had a nice 10th!

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