Last year we missed our class Halloween party, so we were excited to be a part of it this year.
Every parent was asked to bring in a healthy treat. Instead of letting parents do the guess work, we were given a sign up list. Since I was busy prepping for two Halloween events prior to the day of class I chose a simple treat of Tangerine Jack-o-Lanterns.
We started class by decorating personalized Trick-or-Treat bags.
After we played for a bit, we lined up with Ms. D so that we can begin our Trick-or-Treat school hunt.
Candy was not given, but instead we received treats (stickers, plastic spiders and glitter tattoos) from four classrooms.
Our final stop was Sara’s classroom we where in last year! Aw we miss Ms. D!
After a few classroom visits we headed back to our classroom for circle time.
A couple songs later and we were ready for snack time. Before heading over to the sink to wash our hands, Ms. D passes the bee over each kid so that they can say their name and hi to Ms. D. Since both Ms. D and Sarah were dressed as bees, it was extra special to say, “Hi” to the bee today!
Snack time was fun! I loved seeing all the interpretations each mom took with what we were supposed to make. While I sat next to Sarah, I couldn’t help but remember how we were given candy and salty snacks as treats. Now with obesity and diabetes on the rise the schools are more strict. Fruit and cheese it is.