10 on 10 {March 2015}

10 on 10 in March.

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For the past year I have been participating in a special “10 pictures on the 10th day of the month” blog post with other bloggers. Sure I don’t always get to take 10 pictures throughout the day, but that’s ok. I capture what I can. I just think it’s fun to share my life with you through pictures.

Check out last months post here.

Hubby took care of Sarah while I did my new daily routine. First I tested my pee, then I checked my blood and finally I got my morning insulin shot. Ugh I hate gestational diabetes!! FullSizeRenderHalf hour later I sat down to eat my breakfast while I checked some things on my laptop. My breakfasts need to include a carb and a protein. This morning I had a whole wheat waffle with peanut butter and a glass of water.IMG_5914 Sarah and I got dressed and headed out to ballet.IMG_5918After ballet we walked over to the supermarket to stock up on some basics including Balance Bars (I eat one everyday as my mid morning snack.)IMG_5923We headed home, played, watched TV and prepared lunch.

I had a new recipe I sampled at Trader Joe’s last week.FullSizeRender(1)It’s a super easy recipe! They called it the California Quinoa. The ingredients included quinoa/brown rice mix, cucumbers, tomatoes and feta. I drizzled lemon juice and olive oil and voila, lunch!

I put Sarah down for a nap and cleaned up for a few minutes. Then I decided I needed a nap too and laid down while Sarah was still napping.

After we both woke up we headed to the couch. We watched Ellen while we snacked on whole wheat pita crackers and cream cheese.IMG_5935My aunt sent me a message on What’s App that said the package she sent showed it arrived. Sarah and I walked over to the mailbox and picked up our mail. The box was filled to the brim with goodies for Purim. Thank you Aline for the sweet package! IMG_5926While Sarah played with her toys I got dinner together. We had chicken stir fry with mixed veggies. IMG_5939Hubby wasn’t home yet so we decided to take a walk in our neighborhood.IMG_5856Back from our walk, hubby had just drove in.

We ate dinner, cleaned up, played a bit, showered and put Sarah down for bed.

After my evening insulin shot I ate my required snack.IMG_5940This evening I had Greek yogurt, cinnamon and sliced almonds.

Hope you had a nice 10th!

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[…] Check out last months post here. […]

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