Along with potty training, a lot of my mama friends seem to be in some kind of hurry to transition their kids into a big kid bed. I don’t feel the same sense of urgency. Sarah sleeps 12 hours at night in her crib, so why would I mess with that?
If it was up to me she would sleep in her crib until she was in kindergarten ;)
However, lately she’s been talking a lot about a “big girl bed”. Soon after we accomplished potty training, hubby and I decided it was a good time to make the transition.
I took her to Target and let her pick out her new toddler sheets. She chose this cute owl pattern.
My friend offered to give us her daughter’s matching bathroom set as she was no longer using it! Score!
Later that day, hubby ordered her a bed rail on amazon (link can be found here).
A couple days later (thanks Amazon Prime!) after nap one afternoon we transitioned Sarah’s crib to a “big girl’s bed”.
We removed her bumper, baby pillow and baby blanket. Then we added the new pillow, new sheets and comforter. Finally hubby removed one side of the crib and replaced it with the bed rail.
It’s not a compete difference, but it’s one step closer to a “big girl’s bed”.
While we did the transformation Sarah was very excited. Shortly after the novelty quickly died down when it was time for bed.
All of a sudden she panicked!
It wasn’t her pillow or her blanket and all of her bed time stuffed animals were not in the same place. She likes routine and things in their place so this was hard for her.
So I did what I could and explained that change was ok and that her bed was now extra cozy. After some negotiation I left her with her new pillow and blanket but she remained with her baby blanket and her old sheet (something about it being softer then the new one). Some might think I caved, but I call it a success.
It took her a while to fall asleep the first night as she kept playing with the bed rail, but she slept thorough the night and didn’t cry. A big success in my book!
The next day I put her down for a nap with no problems or new negotiations.
Between turning three, potty training and transforming her bed I’ve been calling this month the month of change and I couldn’t be happier for her.
She’s really become a big girl!

she is realy become a big girl. sweet girl
[…] it was the big girl bed, then big girl underwear and now she wants to use a big girl […]