I took this picture while I was in Florida, but never had a chance to write about it. This picture was actually taken on the terminal before heading back home.
How far along: Week 20 (5 months!)
Baby is as big as a: Banana (10 oz, 6.5 in)
Movement: Heavy flutters.
Cravings: I’m still really into Cesar salads.
Aversions: None.
Symptoms: Still super tired. I don’t feel like I have to take a nap every afternoon, but I still do on most days.
Countdown: 20 weeks
Gender: Not finding out!
Milestones: Sarah loves “listening” to the baby. She will randomly come up to me and put her ear on my belly. She also loves kissing my belly. When we first told her I was pregnant, we asked her what she wanted. She’s been very undeceive when people ask her, but for the past 2 weeks she’s been telling everyone she has a sister.
To see past Bumpdates click below.

[…] Cravings: Chocolate almond milk. My new favorite (and Sarah’s too)!Aversions: Fish (again!) […]