Sarah and I went camping with our mommy group for the first time this weekend.
I wont lie. I was super nervous about camping in the winter. I wasn’t worried about camping itself, I was worried about it being really cold while sleeping. The weather forecast showed it would be in the low 50’s at night. That’s cold!!
Luckily my friend, Jen, shared the same nervousness with me so we stayed in constant communication while searching the internet for numerous tips.
Thanks to many conversations with Jen, research online and multiple Wal-Mart shopping trips, Sarah and I were very prepared for our first camping experience.
It’s funny to think I would ever spend so much time in the camping aisle.
I literary spent a half an hour just choosing a chair!
I ended up borrowing a tent and an air bed from friends, but bought the rest of the camp gear.
Our comfy bed!
We had such a good time!!
The kids made lanterns, we roasted marshmallows and most of all we hung out with some of our favorite people.
The next morning was rough. My air bed had a leak which made Sarah and I slide to the middle and woke up with a back ache. Luckily all my planning kept us warm throughout the night. All in all our first camping experience was a great success!
Thanks to our hosts, Holly and Brent for the wonderful time!