Chanukah {2015}

Before the busy holiday season even started Sarah and I got busy working on sending our family and friends our holiday card. IMG_2594My special helper made sure each card had her personal touch, a blue or red butterfly stamp.

Our Chanukah celebrations started at our synagogue’s Chanukah community lighting. We hung out with our friends, did arts and crafts and ate soufganiyout, jelly doughnuts in Hebrew.IMG_2776      Day 1

Last year, a friend posted a picture of a Chanukah themed gingerbread house that I knew had to buy for Sarah. So on the first day of Chanukah we opened the kit and got to work.


Sarah had lot’s of fun! However, I think she had a much better time eating it shortly after.

Our tradition is to open a gift each night. Sometimes it’s from us and sometimes it’s from other family members. The first night we opened gifts from my parents.IMG_2787IMG_2789IMG_0774IMG_0776IMG_0781Sarah got to light her own menorah she made at school.IMG_2803Day 2

My favorite way to eat latkes is caprese style. Once you try it you wont be able to eat it any other way!

IMG_2855After dinner we lit the menorah. This time Jacob was up for the festivities.IMG_2820 He also has his own menorah. However he was more interested in biting his menorah then “lighting” it.   IMG_2832Sarah was becoming a pro!IMG_2824Jacob got to open a gift for the first time!  IMG_2833He was more interested in playing with the paper. Big sister had to help.  IMG_2840IMG_2839

Day 3

Normally Chanukah coincides with my birthday. This year my birthday was on the 3rd night. I woke up to this little guy and had a beautiful day celebrating (to see more about my birthday click here).IMG_0783IMG_0784 - fav

Day 4

Jacob and I attended our weekly mommy and me class. We had a holiday potluck and a book exchange. I unfortunately forgot about the book exchange. Mommy brain!IMG_0908IMG_0936 IMG_0969 IMG_0973 Our neighbor’s wanted to know more about the holiday and our traditions, so we had them over for some Chanukah fun. Later that night we lit the menorah for night #4.IMG_2947

Day 5

We started our day at Sarah’s school for her Winter Concert.IMG_0803Later that night we had another neighbor over for some more Chanukah fun . We played driedel and ate latkes.IMG_2980For dinner I made Chanukah shaped baked mac and cheese.IMG_2977IMG_2979

Day 6

Sarah came home from school with some holiday goodies and this sweet card. IMG_3003For dinner we were invited to hubby’s client/good friend. I thought the decor was so fun and festive. IMG_3005IMG_3006Day 7

We had hubbies family over for brunch. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of my guests :( IMG_3014

Sarah got her first pair of roller skates!IMG_3025 IMG_0857 IMG_3026Day 8

We started our day at a PJ Library event. Sarah was all into the arts and crafts table.

IMG_3030Later that afternoon we used a gift she got from grandma, edible play dough, and made cookies. IMG_3037For our final night of Chanukah I made a platter of sushi that I shaped into a menorah.IMG_0860

Sarah was quite surprised. IMG_0862

We lit the last candle and opened the last gift.IMG_0866 IMG_0873Happy holidays from my family to yours.

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