I find myself busy all the time! From packed weekdays (Sarah and I have a plans everyday of the week!) to fun filled weekends, I’m always on the go! Don’t get me wrong, I like being busy. However, sometimes it would be nice to do something for myself.
I used to get a mani and pedi quite often before I had Sarah, but now without family close by and less time for myself, I find it hard to have any “me time”. Sure I get time during nap and after Sarah goes to bed, but it’s not really “me time”.
Therefore today I decided to do something about it.
For a while now I have been receiving monthly emails from Williams-Sonoma Store Events. Most of their events are cooking classes held at the store. Every time I click on one that interests me, I end up canceling out as the classes are too expensive for my budget.
However, as a fan of cooking and baking, I’ve always wanted to try a cooking class.
A few months ago, I received their monthly email as I normally do, but this time they were offering Complimentary Technique Classes. In the past I’ve tried to get a friend to join me, but someone was always busy or the time didn’t fit their schedule.
Today I decided to stop making excuses for myself and just go by myself.
I’m so glad I did! Not only was the class free, but it was also nice to just get away.
We watched while the instructor created two different styles of pie along with two different fillings. The instructor also made a batch of chocolate ice cream to go with our pie sample. Coffee and water was also available.
Even though the class was just a demonstration (and not hands on like I thought) I really enjoyed it! For taking the class we were offered 10% off any of the items that were used in class.
Interested in taking a class like mine? Check out their website for a schedule of their Complimentary Technique Classes in your area.