Eight is the number of times…I’ve rocked my daughter in the middle of night, while she was screaming in pain.
Eight is the number of times…I’ve been to urgent care with my daughter or lucky enough to catch the pediatrician during the day.
Eight is the number of times…I’ve given my daughter antibiotics for ten or more days at a time.
Eight is the number of times…I have watched countless hours of Sesame Street so that Sarah would, hopefully, forget about her pain.
Eight is the number of times…My baby girl has had an ear infection.
Every time Sarah would get sick, she, without a doubt, had an ear infection! We went to see the doctor and she explained that Sarah’s infections were middle ear infections (otitis media or OM). Middle ear infections are NOT pool, bath or water-play related. Sarah’s infections were caused by mucus blockage within the ear canals. The doctor then went on to explain that ear infections are also genetic. Hubby mentioned that he had chronic ear infections when he was young, too.
So after every visit (and with our luck, it almost always happened on the weekends), we administered oral antibiotics and Tylenol for pain. Needless to say, she hated us and hated the changing table (in hindsight, a bad idea for us to use the changing table to administer meds since now she hates the changing table)! After a while, I couldn’t help but feel like I was giving her poison! After two infections back to back, hubby and I decided to make an appointment for surgery.
What really bummed me out was when the doctors suggested we spend less time with our mommy group. As I mentioned in a previous post, I need them more than they need me. But I also couldn’t help thinking I was putting my daughter in harm’s way.
The eighth ear infection was one too many! I was saddened by her being so sick and in so much pain. I’ve never myself had an infection, but I hear they are terrible!!
Fast forward to this past Monday, Sarah finally got some relief. She had her quick and painless ear tube surgery. I never for a minute was worried about the surgery itself.
She got in her scrubs and started to explore. Sarah loved all the gadgets. She was very curious and wanted to check out all the machines.
Daddy playing with his baby girl.
After the final check, the nurse gave her some medicine that made her really sleepy.
I really wanted to jump in that bed and snuggle with her. I wanted to hold her hand through it all. I wanted her to know she was going to be ok.
Instead I just sang her a lullaby and prayed.Kissing my baby as she drifts off to dreamland :(
I was, however, worried about her coming out of surgery. From my research and warnings from friends, I heard how difficult it was for babies/toddlers to come out of surgery.
It took hubby and me what felt like forever to calm her down. She kicked, cried and pushed us away as she was in a state of confusion. She was upset, cranky and most of all hungry (nothing to eat or drink since the night before). We received ear drops and paperwork and headed home. Sarah was very needy that afternoon. She needed her mama and I was there for her.
The next day, Sarah was her normal self, silly and playful. Here she is trying to get on her car the wrong way!
Two weeks after the tubes were inserted, Sarah had her post op appointment. She passed the hearing test with flying colors and was allowed to resume regular activities. Good thing since Sarah and I were missing our mommy group very, very much!
Glad it is all over with now!

I am glad she is over with it now! love her and miss her dearly.
i am glad it is over too, i knew she has to do it but Ididn’t know she already had it, i am glad she is back to regular activities. give her a very very big kiss from me. love you. xoxo
[…] to get her! As I cuddled her in my arms I could hear a stuffy nose. When my family gets sick we get sick. A stuffy nose turns into no sleep and a very needy baby. After taking care of Sarah for a couple […]
[…] leave her to play while I went downstairs to pray. This was an ideal situation, however Sarah was sick (again)! Which meant for a very needy baby who didn’t get enough […]
[…] and even being touched by the doctor. (If you remember, I recently blogged about Sarah’s ear surgery.) I’m happy to report she did much better this time! She let the doctor check her ears, eyes […]
[…] blog for a while, you would know that Sarah gets ear infections very often (so often, that she had ear tubes put in last summer). As luck would have it, Sarah got an ear infection two days before finishing the […]
[…] was pretty nervous about the visit as she is not a fan of the doctor type due to her many ear infections and our constant visits to the doctor and urgent […]
[…] When Sarah was 17 months old she had ear tubes surgically placed in her ears (read more about it here). […]