While hubby and I lived in Sonoma County, I really wanted to take part in a fresh produce delivery system. It seemed so natural to eat from the nearby farms! As much as I wanted to participate in getting fresh fruits and veggies every week, I couldn’t convince hubby that two of us would finish our box in time for the next delivery.
We celebrated 4th of July with our friends one year and the wife and I started talking about food and recipes. She mentioned she receives new recipes each week with her organic veggie and fruit farm program. I was ecstatic!!
Finally with a toddler who loves fruits and veggies, my convincing would be easy. Then a few weeks went by and I received my daily email from Groupon. (I browse the headings and usually delete. Every so often a heading sounds interesting and I open it. This time I’m glad I did.) They were running a Farm Fresh To You delivery trial for only $15! Normally these boxes run anywhere from $20-$40. I quickly bought it. I didn’t even wait to discuss it with the hubby. I figured I spend at least $15 in veggies and fruits at the supermarket so what is the difference if I get it delivered?!?
I was so excited! I quickly went back to the website and checked off all things I wanted (that way I get the most out of my box). For a few days before the box arrived, I was fantasizing about my yummy box filled with fresh organic fruits and veggies! I received my box and opened it with delight. I rummaged through the box and noticed a lot of things I did not like. I was disappointed! I thought, “How could this be?” I quickly called the company and within seconds I figured what went wrong.
Being so excited, I didn’t read all the instructions. I thought it was pretty self- explanatory and just checked the things our family would like to eat. I made a big mistake! I checked off the wrong things!!! We ended up with fruits and veggies we didn’t like. Some of the things we received were okay.
Here is the list:
2 eggplants
6 grapefruits
6 lemons
1 lb of green beans
2 bundles of beets
I steamed the green beans and we ate them with salmon one night. I boiled the beets and made a salad one afternoon. The rest was given to a friend who likes the fruit and veggies :( Too bad I didn’t succeed in my mission. Luckily it was just $15 and a lesson learned. Have you ever made a silly mistake? Did it cost you?

sure. I baught an expensive face cream and only after i opened it, trying to put it on my face I remembered: hey I baught it once and didn’t like it, didn’t use it… so many times I read about a new product and buy it just to remembered to late that I tried it before…did not like it…
Ha ha glad I’m not alone!