Sarah and I started the day by making homemade banana bread for hubby.
Recipe can be found here.
We all sat down for breakfast that included banana bread, eggs and potatoes.
Between Jacob needing to nurse, making sure Sarah didn’t make a complete mess in the kitchen I somehow forgot to add sugar to the recipe. Oops!
Once we finished breakfast, Sarah gave him his gift.
Hubby’s two favorite things, LA Dodgers and ketchup.
We were all recovering from sunburns so we laid low and just hung.
Later that night we headed to our city’s summer concerts at the park.
It was a fun and relaxing day.
Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers out there!

[…] sister came to visit, we went blueberry picking,and we went to the Greek Festival. We celebrated Father’s Day, my grandpa’s memorial (Jacob’s namesake) and 4th of […]