Sarah recently attended her first dentist appointment.
I was pretty nervous about the visit as she is not a fan of the doctor type due to her many ear infections and our constant visits to the doctor and urgent care.
However, I was totally wrong!
We came early so that Sarah could play in their outdoor play area. Driving by this building almost everyday Sarah was finally happy to check it out.
After a few minutes we headed inside the office. While we filled out paperwork, Sarah was busy exploring all the interactive areas.
Shortly after we were called in. Sarah was given a plethora of things to choose from. Here are her goodies.
Hubby sat on the chair with Sarah as the hygienist took a peek. She counted Sarah’s teeth and looked around her mouth. Sarah was so cooperative! She held her mouth open even after the hygienist finished counting her teeth. We were all very surprised!
After a quick teeth brushing, the hygienist told us the dentist would be over in a few minutes. Sarah couldn’t wait to continue exploring the office. The room we sat in was rainforest themed. Sarah sat in the tree house while we waited for the dentist.
This time I sat with Sarah on the chair as the dentist poked around. The dentist gave us the good news. All 20 teeth are in and our brushing looks good.
With our goody bag in hand we headed out the door. Of course Sarah wanted to continue playing with all the fun new toys. So I scheduled an appointment for Sarah to come back in 6 months while hubby took her out to play.
Thankfully, we had a fabulous first visit at the dentist! If you are looking for a pediatric dentist, I highly recommend ours.

[…] Last August we took Sarah for her first visit to the dentist. […]