Every year I take the kiddos to visit my parents, sisters, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, friends and more. This year however was epic! Epic because it was long. Epic because I survived 2 weeks of airplanes, suitcases, room sharing and multiple car seat transfers. Epic because we went to the hottest, muggiest and sweatiest state in the middle of summer.
Per usual it was super busy. We celebrated my sisters, Germaine‘s birthday, attended my childhood friends birthday party, we there for my safta‘s memorial, and lot’s more.
With over 800 pictures I thought it would be too much for one post so I’ll break it down to a few posts.
Week 1:
The only direct flight that didn’t cost an arm and a leg was really early in the morning. Hubby and I decided to leave the kids in their jammies and drive straight to the airport.
The kids were really good on the flight! Jacob even napped for 2 hours.
See my Traveling With Kids tips here.
Day 1:
My dad got Sarah a scooter. The kids were super excited to try it out first thing in the morning!Nono, the kids great grandfather, came by for a visit.
It was already starting to heat up so we deiced to go to walk over to the pool and cool off. Sarah spotted an iguana and was super surprised to learn they just roam the grass in South Florida.
She thought she could touch one until the iguana started running after her. A few minutes later she found a much smaller animal to catch.
Later that afternoon we went out to run a few errands. The kiddos experienced their first summer storm. Jacob was confused by the rain so he made sure to cover saba’s (grandpa in Hebrew) head. My dad thought it was so funny so he decided to do the same.
My sister, Osh took Sarah out for ice cream and then to her place for a sleepover.
Day 2:
My parents got the kids a few new toys to add to the toys my parents keep for our visits. Jacob was mesmerized by the train set and spent most of his mornings working on his railroad.
I needed a haircut and some color so Osh picked us up for a day at my moms salon.
While Etti tried to tame my mane, the kids helped my mom in the front desk.Sarah even got her nails done!
You know you are in Florida when the hair salon passes out cuban coffee during your visit.
Before and after!
The kids were done after a few hours so my dad took them back home for lunch and nap. I walked into my parents room and saw this. My heart melted and I took about a dozen pictures.
These are the moments and reasons I take my kids on these trips.
Day 3
On this day we made plans to meet up with my cousin and her kids at the local library for story time.After lunch, naps and some relaxing we met up again at my friend Alexis’ house for a swim play date. I didn’t take any pictures, except I did get the Sarah’s swimming together.
I had plans with Germaine this evening, so my parents watched the kiddos. My dad took these cute pictures of my mom loving on Jacob.
Germaine works for a magazine where she gets press passes to different events. Thanks to my sis we got to sit at a Beach Bunny swimwear fashion show.
After the show we hung out in the tent and visited some of the booths. These cotton candies tasted like roses and pink lemonade. Yum!
Day 4:
We started the day with brunch at my aunt and uncles house. I think Jacob looks a lot like my cousin, Morris when he was young.
After a super full belly we made our way to the pool.
For dinner I met up with my friends to celebrate my childhood friend, Corrie’s birthday. She asked us to come dressed in 80’s clothes. What a fun night!
See you next week for part 2!
To see past trips click below.
Florida Vacation {2016}

[…] part 3 of our epic Florida Vacation. If you missed part 1 click here. and part 2 […]
[…] part 4 and the final post of our epic Florida Vacation. If you missed part 1 click here, part 2 click here and part 3 click […]