Today I am linking up with Erika, Narci and Andrea to share our Friday Favorites.
We started the week out with Sarah’s class holiday party. As the room mom I was in charge of putting together 4 activity stations for the kids. We had a cookie decorating, finger snowman, snowflake decorating and snowball toss. Getting to help out in Sarah’s classroom in my FAVORITE.

I met up with a friend at a new coffee shop this week and checked out the trending turmeric & ginger latte. It was so yummy! A new FAVORITE go to drink.

With all the holiday stuff in stores, I get overly surprised when I find something Jewish to add to my Chanukah stash. I found this gem at Bed, Bath & Beyond. It doesn’t really smell like anything but it’s nice to be included.

I love sharing tidbits of my life on social media. Thank you Instagram for capturing my #topnine FAVORITES.

Sarah and I “baked” treats for our friends this week. Baking together is our FAVORITE. Until of course she drops my food processor and breaks the attachment bowl. #tistheseason
Happy Friday, friends!