For the past 3 years Sarah has been a Girl Scout.

I was in charge of cookie sales as the Cookie Coordinator and this year I am the Troop Leader.

While this might be the most difficult year in Girl Scouts (and in everyone’s life) I was convinced to keep her troop together. We started off the school year with a bridging ceremony. Each girl got a color assigned to her, we painted our pieces on zoom and met a couple days later for our drive-thru ceremony.

Early in November we had our very own Voting Zoom. We learned about the importance of voting, virtually toured The White House, virtually toured the California State Capital, learned how to draw the American flag on you tube and voted on our troop crest.

Most recently we worked on a Thankful Service Project. We partnered with El Centro de Amistad in LA where our families each brought a few items to fill our Thanksgiving basket for a family in need. We got so much love form the community that So Cal Honda even matched our baskets with a turkey for each family! We also partnered with the Sunshine Club and decorated cards for the seniors at the center.

We have one more zoom meeting planned for December and then we hope to be back together as a troop in 2021!