I’m not a crafty person. I don’t draw, paint, or make artistic things. Nor would I be the kind of mom to make my child’s Halloween costume. I’m just not that kind of mama, until I saw this costume on Pinterest!

It just looked so easy! It consists of a simple tutu tutorial, some already cut fringe, a white shirt to purchase, and tada! So I went to my local craft store and bought the necessary items. Now I just need to stop blogging (nahh) and put it together.
My mommy group is hosting an annual Halloween photo shoot this Wednesday. Wish me luck that I finish on time and it comes out looking!

ha..ha.. you can see how much she is a “big girl” now. :))
She is so cute. Cant wait to see her this year as indian girl in Flotida.
[…] recently blogged about planning to make a Native American costume for my 19 month old toddler. I was nervous and […]
[…] her theme.In 2012 I decided to make her costume. She was a Indian Princess. Read more about it here. In 2013 I asked her what she wanted to be and she said a Bee. So a bee she was.Our annual mommy […]