I love hosting events and dinners. I especially love hosting the Holidays!
But when your whole family is sick, what is a host to do?!
I did something I have never done before, I canceled my Rosh Hashanah Holiday dinner.
It started off on Wednesday night. Sarah woke up screaming (more about our sleep system at a later time). I quickly went in to get her! As I cuddled her in my arms I could hear a stuffy nose. When my family gets sick we get sick. A stuffy nose turns into no sleep and a very needy baby. After taking care of Sarah for a couple of days I got sick. That’s when I realized I couldn’t cook 10+ dishes and host a house full of people, two nights in a row. I was constantly blowing my nose every few seconds, very lethargic and in no condition to cook. To top it all off hubby and MIL got sick too.
I was really bummed! My Rebbetzin even suggested we come to her home, but that wouldn’t work. We were all sick!
I was feeling sad and lonely. I don’t like celebrating the holidays alone. As is my family in So Cal is super small. So I went on FB and posted a status. Within in a few minutes my family and friends made me feel better. I received phone calls, texts and even had my friend EY drop off some chicken soup (and an amazing black and white cookie). Thank you family and friends and thank you EY. I swear that soup was magic!
Saturday I woke up feeling a bit better. I spent Saturday night, reorganizing my menu and making sure I had all the ingredients. A small dinner was still required to celebrate the Chag!
Here was the menu:
Apples and Honey
Carrot, Apple and Raisin Salad
Beet and Pomegranate Salad
Creamy Carrot Soup with Fresh Ginger
Moroccan Chicken With Apricots and Prunes
Side Dishes
Rosh Hashanah Rice
Cider Glazed Vegetables
Best Apple Cake
Some pictures from the evening:

To those who celebrate, I hope you have a happy and healthy New Year!
The next “holiday” is Yom Kippur. I’ will be off the map for 25 hours as I fast and pray at synagogue . Gmar chatima tova everyone. Hope everyone has an easy and meaningful fast!

what about sharing the recipes? The names sound like fancy dishes. Share it! Share it! Share it!!!
Will do! Stay tuned!
sorry to hear what you went trought but happy you saw how much you are beeing LOVED. xoxo
I was so sorry to hear that all of you were sick. Well sometimes things happened without planning them. I love your menu and I hope next year it will be with us. love you always and forever!
still waiting…..
[…] normally host (see last years debacle here), but this year we spent it with […]