It seems like my body is starting a trend.
Anytime a holiday or an important occasion is around the corner, I get sick! This is the same as what happened around the holidays a couple of months ago. A runny nose or even some sneezing would be workable, but noooo, I get a full on cold. Sometimes I run to Urgent Care and sometimes I just ride it out.
It’s been six weeks of a combination of the stomach bug, colds and flu around here and, well, my body gave up.
At my most recent visit to Urgent Care, I received some meds and stayed in bed for the next few days.
It was always the plan that hubby would cook Thanksgiving (the one holiday I don’t cook for) dinner, but in reality I always help out. Whether it be the food shopping, the prep, etc. It would be a small gathering (mother-in-law, sister-in-law and David the guncle). However, I was mentally and physically done. Therefore I didn’t do too much, but I did manage to make a pitcher of Apple Cider Sangria and a Pinterest craft (which I unfortunately forgot to take an after picture).

Thursday night came quickly, and I was magically better. MIL and SIL both brought yummy home baked desserts. Guncle even brought us a hostess gift of macaroons from London. It was a nice evening, but as it got later, I once again crashed. I swear my body knows what’s going on.
I really did miss waking up at an early hour the next day to shop the deals on Black Friday, but with having a cold and Black Friday no longer what it used to be (for those that don’t know, stores now open at 8pm ON Thanksgiving), I was happy to stay in bed!
My Thankful List
My cute husband who works hard so I can stay at home with our daughter
My sweet and funny daughter
My family
The roof over my head
Food in my belly
My mommy group
and Coffee
Hope everyone had a nice and relaxing Thanksgiving. Looking forward to December! Lot’s going on :)

Maybe next year we can be together to shop on Black Friday and both be healthy!!!
hope you feel better. Love December, the best month :) xoxo
Next year you will be fine and all your wishes will come true! you will see.
December will be the best! Love you always Ema.
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