For those that don’t know, I was born in Israel. I moved to America at age 4, but I still feel like Israel is my home. I also feel like Florida is my home since I lived there for 20+ years. However California is my current home.
Regardless where I live, tomorrow I will take a moment and remember the Israeli fallen soldiers on Yom Hazikaron (Israel’s Memorial Day).
(picture via the web)

For those who don’t know – memorial day in Israel is a very very sad day, and it is the day before our indipendence day so we will never forget that we have a state only because of those young people who lost their life in all the wars we had in this area. so today we cry on memorial day – tomorrow we will dance on our independence day. tears and joy…
Thank you, Aline.
Very well said Aline! I am also Israeli and for me Yom hazikaron (memorial day) is a very sad day. That is why it is very important for me to attend the ceremony that the Israeli consul are doing for that sad day. I will never forget always remember all of them!