Earlier this week we celebrated my hubby’s birthday! He doesn’t like gifts so Sarah and I made him birthday dessert (a tradition I’ve started with Sarah). This is the Pinterest recipe we chose to make this year, except it didn’t look as pretty!
Let me explain. Below are the ingredients we used. Since we follow some kosher rules, we had to substitute some things. First we replaced marshmallows with marshmallow creme (Sarah decided to take the paper off the container.. silly toddler!). Then we used Snoopy (fruit) snacks instead of fish (which later I found some in the kosher market, oops!) It was quite a disaster!!
The reason marshmallows are necessary is so the gelatin adheres to the Rice Krispies and can be shaped. Bad move on my part, but hubby still thought they were tasty!
Here is my assistant this year and last year :)
Below was the dinner I made for the birthday boy. It’s also a Pinterest recipe.
Happy birthday babe! I love you and grateful to be your wife.

So cute… you can by kosher marshmallows they might work better :)
the dinner looks yammmmmyyyy. don’t forget i have birthday on December :))