Living in Florida most of my life, I am very used to hurricanes. But not being next to your family makes me worry. My parents and two sisters live there along with grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. Granted almost nothing ever happened to us, I am still worried. Until my sister sends me a picture text of the soup her and my mom just made.
Doesn’t it look yummy?!
My friend posted this Facebook status the other day “I remember hurricane Andrew so vividly. Hard to believe it was 20 years ago today. I hope we never experience another hurricane like that in my lifetime.”
I too remember it vividly! I was in bed under my covers while my windows clanked, while the tress flew across the street and while heavy rain poured flooded our roof. It was a crazy night, but by the next morning it was all done. I can’t believe it’s been 20 years!
Isaac might be the current hurricane causing havoc in South Florida, but it also happens to be my father’s name. In Hebrew we call him Itzhak or Ike in English. Isaac means to laugh. I hope this hurricane isn’t laughing at us too much and that my family and friends are all prepared for what might just turn into a tropical storm!

It must be hard not being here with family. The good news is that Isaac basically all talk & not a whole lot of action. Love the meaning of Isaac, to laugh. Ironically, I think a lot of families did just that today. I know we did. We are always on the go & so busy. Sometimes we need some bad weather to slow us down & keep us in doors to spend some quality time together.