My baby boy is 1 month old!
I don’t scrapbook or print pictures so just like I blogged about Sarah’s monthaversaries on here I plan to do the same for Jacob. Plus baby books are so last season ;)
Here are Jacob’s 1 month stats:
Weight: 6 lbs 7 oz
Height: 19 in
Clothing Size: preemie/newborn
Diaper Size: newborn
Food: I’m successfully able to nurse this time around. Read about my difficult experience with Sarah here.
Likes: Nursing (a lot!) and sleeping.
Dislikes: Getting in the car seat.
Milestones: Smiling and opening his eyes for short periods of time.
Places we’ve seen, things we’ve done:
1st stroll around the neighborhood.
Fun day at the farm picking strawberries with my sister.
1st Shabbat dinner and 1st time daddy got to say the blessing over his son.
Out for brunch with my mama while she visits.
1st family dinner at Buca’s.
1st time reading bed time stories to both kids.
1st ride in the double stroller. Thanks Aline!!
At Sarah’s 4 year check up.
Taking newborn pics. To see more click here. 1st play date with girlfriend Flora.
1st time at the pool.
1st time FaceTime session with his cousin (born two weeks apart).
1st attempt at tummy time.
1st family outing, Dog Fair.
And because I love comparison pictures here is Sarah and Jacob at 1 month old.
So far I’ve noticed their heads are shaped differently and Jacob seems to be darker then Sarah.

[…] Jacob is 1 month old […]
[…] Passover 2015 – I was in the hospital giving birth to Jacob. […]