Jacob is 2 months old!
I don’t scrapbook or print pictures so just like I blogged about Sarah’s monthaversaries I plan to do the same here for Jacob. Plus baby books are so last season ;)Sarah wanted join this months monthaversay picture.
Here are Jacob’s 2 months stats:
Weight: 9 lbs 6 oz
Height: 22 in
Clothing Size: newborn/0-3
Who said boy clothes can’t be fun? I went from bows to bow ties! I’m absolutely obsessed with boy clothes!Diaper Size: size 1
Food: I’m successfully able to nurse this time around. Read about my difficult experience with Sarah here.
Likes: Looking at windows and ceiling fans.
Dislikes: Vibrating chairs
Milestones: I’ve been putting Jacob in his crib for naps. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Hoping to transition him full time to the crib in the coming months!We introduced the activity gym this month. At first I think it was stimulation overload,
but now he likes to look around and even bats some of the toys. Sarah likes to lay or sit beside him.
Places we’ve seen, things we’ve done:
Play date at Liza and Sammy’s house, while our girls were in preschool.Daddy snuggles!
Check out this super cute burp cloth set my friend made for Jacob! I have such talented friends!!I took Jacob to the retirement home for his first act of kindness. Unfortunately he slept in the wrap the entire time.
We took Jacob to the pool for the first time! Check out what we packed in my pool bag here.He hung out in his pod most of the time.
Blurry but this might be his first real smile on camera :)Jacob is all eyes!
Big sister, Sarah watches him while he does his baby push ups tummy time.
He’s getting so strong!Our family adventure this month was the Israel Festival.
We celebrated Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Shavout and my mother-in-law’s birthday.
And because I love comparison pictures, here are Sarah and Jacob at 2 months old.
See you next month!

[…] Jacob is 2 months old […]