Jacob is 5 months old!
I don’t do a good job putting together a scrapbook or printing pictures so just like I blogged about Sarah’s monthaversaries I plan to do the same here for Jacob. Plus baby books just collect dust.
Here are Jacob’s 5 months stats:
Weight: 15 lbs
Height: Didn’t get this month.
Clothing Size: 3-6 months
Diaper Size: size 3
Food: After 20 long and challenging weeks we started supplementing with formula. Read more about our decision here.
Sleeping: He naps for only 45 minutes at a time, but he only wakes up twice a night.
Milestones: 1) Scoots so much that he hits his head on the crib :( I know it’s not recommended, but bumpers have been put in his crib.
2) Tried rice cereal and loves it! Big sister, Sarah, loves feeding him.3) Rolls over from tummy to back.
Likes: Sucking his thumb before falling asleep.Dislikes: When Sarah pretends he’s a doll.
Places we’ve seen/things we’ve done: We attended the last concert of the summer (boo).
We had a family beach day one super sunny weekend. This little man got to wear his new sunnies.
We celebrated hubby’s birthday with a yummy cake.
My favorite pictures of Jacob this month.
And because I love comparison pictures, here is Sarah and Jacob at 5 months old.See you next month!
See past months here:
Jacob is 4 Months old
Jacob is 3 Months old
Jacob is 2 Months old
Jacob is 1 Month old

[…] Jacob is 5 months old […]