Jacob is 7 months old!
Jacob’s 7 months stats:
Weight: didn’t get this month
Height: didn’t get this month
Clothing Size: 3-6/6-9 months
Diaper Size: size 3
Food: Formula and solids. I made homemade purees for Jacob just like I did when Sarah was a baby. Unfortunately he’s not interested in eating it :( He takes a few bites and then wants out of the highchair. He does like baby oatmeal.
Sleeping: Jacob naps 3 times a day for 1 -2 hours. He’s also sleeping through the night. Thank you g-d!!!
Milestones: Jacob can now sit on his own! He’s also tested out a restaurant highchair and a shopping cart at the grocery store.
Thank you Costco for making a two seater!
Likes: Jacob LOVES jumping in the jumperoo, watching his sister play and playing with his feet.Dislikes: He’s a pretty chill baby. He only gets upset when he has to wait for a bottle. He wants his food waiting and ready as soon as he wakes up!
Places we’ve seen/things we’ve done: We went to several Pumpkin Patches, Halloween parties the watched the Dodgers play in the World Series! Jacob liked watching the games.
Holidays: Halloween (read more about it here).
My favorite pictures of Jacob this month.
Sarah loves “dressing” him up.
And because I love comparison pictures, here is Sarah at 7 months old (see Sarah’s stats here).
See past months here:
Jacob is 6 months old
Jacob is 5 months old
Jacob is 4 months old
Jacob is 3 months old
Jacob is 2 months old
Jacob is 1 month old