Last Day of School {2016}

Last week was Sarah’s last day of preschool.

Every year on the first day of school and the last day of school, I take a photo of Sarah.
It is so fun to see how she has changed during the school year.IMG_8303Just for fun, I put on the same outfit. The shirt was, ummm, a bit tiny. IMG_8301IMG_8304Not only did Sarah physically grow this year, but she can now count to 100, knows all the sounds of the alphabet and can spell simple words.

Her fall school picture was absolutely adorable this year!IMG_8855Then in the spring, they took another amazing picture of Sarah.IMG_5143

Both Sarah and I have developed even greater friendships this past year. We came into preschool not knowing anyone. We can both comfortably say that we have made some life long friendships with these three kiddos and their families. We had play dates, went out to dinner and even went on family vacations together. IMG_7253 IMG_8203IMG_8387We ended the year with a concert and graduation certificates.IMG_2325 - fav  IMG_2352  Congratulations Miss Sarah! We are so proud of you!!IMG_2358IMG_2385 - favIMG_2360IMG_2366 - fav IMG_8130IMG_2378 - favIMG_8131    I love that Sarah and I have both developed such great friendships this year. We are going to miss preschool, but excited for elementary school and all it’s new adventures.

 Goodbye preschool, hello kindergarten! 





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