I was recently given the opportunity to take the Dr. Scholl’s® Extra Step Challenge! “When you’re distracted by tired, achy feet, it’s hard to focus and do the things you enjoy in life. The right Dr. Scholl’s® insoles can provide the relief you need to make a difference in how […]
Sarah is 5 Months Old!
Here are Sarah’s 5 Month Stats: Weight: 16 lbs 10 oz Height: didn’t get her measured Clothing Size: 3-6 months Diaper Size: Size 2 What’s New: Tries to hold on to bottle. Turn from back to belly. Sits in stroller with out car seat. Starting to sit by herself. Longest […]
Sarah is 4 Months Old!
For the first year of Sarah’s life I documented her milestones in my iPhone and took monthly pictures. Now that she is 2 years old, I thought it would be fun to backtrack. Plus blogging is a much better way to display milestones than a baby book Here are Sarah’s […]
Last Day of School {2013}
Last week was our last day in the Older Toddler program at school. We’ve had a really fun year with our friends and Miss D as we celebrated Pesach, Valentine’s Day, took school photos and attended fun class trips. We’ve already signed up for Toddler Two’s in the fall. Look […]
Sarah is 3 Months Old!
For the first year of Sarah’s life I documented her milestones in my iPhone and took monthly pictures. Now that she has turned 2 years old, I thought it would be fun to backtrack. Plus blogging is a much better way to display milestones than a baby book ;) Here […]
Memorial Day {2013}
Happy Memorial Day to all those who serve and served our amazing country! We had a lot of plans this past weekend. From potlucks to celebrating my mother-in-law’s birthday to a visit to the Splash Pad (It’s now opened VC!). However my little girl came down with a fever Friday […]