I recently blogged about planning to make a Native American costume for my 19 month old toddler. I was nervous and scared I would mess up, but I’m happy to report I actually was successful! It wasn’t difficult to make; much easier than I thought. I started by pinning my […]
Sarah is 18 Months Old
My baby recently turned 18 months old! She’s talking a lot and has turned into the cutest human being. I’ve always thought she was a pretty baby, but now she has really blossomed into a very special person. We are so blessed and thankful each day that we were chosen […]
Simchat Torah {2012}
4 out of 4! We did it! We recently celebrated the last Jewish holiday of the season! Simchat Torah is a celebration marking the conclusion of the annual cycle of public Torah readings, and the beginning of the new cycle. The main celebration of Simchat Torah takes place in the […]
Free 8×10 Photo Print at Walgreens
To get yours, upload your photo on the Walgreens web site. Then, enter coupon code TRULYFREE at checkout. Offer vaild through Saturday, October 20.
FREE Greeting Card
Go to cardstore.com for a FREE greeting card. Use code CCM2336. The coupon is valid through October 14. Happy greetings!
Halloween Costume
I’m not a crafty person. I don’t draw, paint, or make artistic things. Nor would I be the kind of mom to make my child’s Halloween costume. I’m just not that kind of mama, until I saw this costume on Pinterest! It just looked so easy! It consists of a […]