I never understood why my parents said they needed their morning coffee. As I got older I realized most adults drank a cup of coffee in the morning and even a cup later in the afternoon or sometimes I even noticed adults drinking coffee after their dessert. What was the […]
Yom Kippur {2013}
For the past four years my family has been “celebrating” Yom Kippur at the Hyatt hotel. As an observant Jew we walk to synagogue multiple times a day, fast (yes that includes no liquids or food of any kind) and no use of electricity for 25 hours (Friday at sundown […]
My Favorite Pinterest Recipes
I love to cook! I love feeding my family homemade cooked food! I love Pinterest! With these three things combined I have made over 150 Pinterest recipes! So I thought I would start a series called, “My Favorite Pinterest Recipes”. This week alone, I’ve made some knock out recipes I’d […]
First Day of School {2013}
Today was Sarah’s fist day of “school”. The program we chose to enroll her in is actually a parent participation preschool program, but we call it school. It’s very similar to the Older Toddler class we attended last year. The class we are enrolled in this year is called, Toddler […]
Rosh Hashana {2013}
Last week my family celebrated the Jewish holiday, Rosh Hashana! Even Elmo celebrates the big event! I normally host (see last years debacle here) dinner, but this year we spent it with friends. Thank you for the scrumptious food Sigel’s! Leading up to RH, Sarah and I made traditional honey […]
Grandparents Day {2013}
Today is Grandparents Day! Sarah is lucky to have both sets of grandparents in her life. Since my parents live on the other side of the country I made each grandparent a personalized card with some of my favorite photos with Sarah. I also made cards for her grandparents near […]