I love hosting dinner in our home. I think about the menu, invite guests, shop for food and set my table.The kids had a table of their own too.
The menu consisted of a few favorites and some new dishes.
Orange Marmalade chicken – Sweet Onion Brisket – Matzah Apple Kugel – Carrot and Raisin Kugel – Sweet Potato Souffle Night #1 we had guests Nicole, Stacee and their families.
The kids had lot’s of fun looking for the afikoman. Bella was the big winner!
Night #2 we had Matt and Elizabeth. Unfortunately I forgot to a picture of our guests. :(
Sarah was a big star this night. She read the 4 questions (with very little help)!! So proud of our big girl!
Thank you to our lovely guests for the wine and flowers, but most of all thank you for joining us this Passover
Passover 2016 – We were in Florida.
Passover 2015 – I was in the hospital giving birth to Jacob.

[…] & Saturday – Passover […]