Now that summer is here and we have completed our Summer To Do List it’s time yo check off some items.
One of our favorite summer activities is going swimming. Last summer we went to the pool almost everyday!! There is nothing more fun then spending time under the sun in the warm water. We bring toys, snacks and lot’s of sunscreen.
This was us last week.Piggybacking on Shay’s blog post I thought I’d share what’s in our pool bag.
1.Bag: I love this large colorful bag my friend, Nikki bought me a few summers ago. It’s just a simple reusable bag from Marshall’s, but I love how big it is.
2.Towels: I have 3 towels washed and ready to go. We like using bath sheets from Costco. The price is great and the colors are fun too!
3. Wet Bag: I love my pink zippered wet bag (I got this a couple summers ago. A similar bag can be found here). I use this bag to store items that contain liquids. That way if I forget to put the top on a bottle or the sun melts something I wont have it ruin the rest of the items in my pool bag.
4.Tanning Sunscreen: This one is for me. I love nothing more then sitting poolside while I soak up some Vitamin D. To protect my skin while getting some color I use Coppertone Foaming Sunscreen. It’s easy to use and doesn’t get everywhere.
5. Kids Sunscreen: This one is for Sarah. I use Banana Boat Sport Performance Coolzone. It’s easy to use and has a cooling agent.
6. Mineral Sunscreen: We normally start off with this one. It’s thick and really takes care of our skin. I use California Baby Broad Spectrum Sunscreen.
7. Chapstick: As a chap stick addict I need to make sure my lips are protected from the sun. I use NIVEA chaptsick with sunscreen. It’s thick and keeps my lips from getting sunburn.
8. Hairbands: I normally have a couple extra hairbands in my bag should I want my hair up.
9. Waterproof Watch: Most pools have a clock nearby but sometimes they don’t. I got this watch a few years ago for a couple of bucks. It’s made of silicone and has a small window with the time on it. I normally just leave it in my bag, but have found my self wearing it to check for Jacob’s next feeding.
10. Goggles and Toys (not pictured): Before heading out Sarah picks a few toys to play with. It’s always something different. Last week she grabbed a ball and some diving birds. I always pack her goggles should she want to use them.
This bag contains our essentials. It sits on the dryer next to the front door. This way we are always ready whenever we want to play in the pool.
What’s in your bag? Anything I should be adding to mine? Please comment below.

[…] took Jacob to the pool for the first time! Check out what we packed in my pool bag here.He hung out in his pod most of the […]