For the first year of Sarah’s life I documented her milestones in my iPhone and took monthly pictures. Now that she has turned 2 years old, I thought it would be fun to backtrack. Plus blogging is a much better way to display milestones than a baby book ;)
Here are Sarah’s 2 Month Stats:
Weight: 10 lbs 2 oz
Height: 21 in
Clothing Size: Newborn
Diaper Size: Size 1
Food: Formula :(
What’s New: Sarah is following objects with her eyes. She has a bad case of baby acne, heat rash and cradle cap.
We celebrated my first Mother’s Day!
After having long hair for most of my life, I decided to cut 15 inches off so that I can donate it.
Trying to adjust to our newborns sleep habits.
I want to give my mother-in-law a shout out for her many hours of help! Thank you for everything!!
Some of our favorite pictures throughout the month.
We had many friends who came to meet Sarah.

 Missed 1 month old Sarah?