For the first year of Sarah’s life I documented her milestones on my iPhone. I also managed to take monthly pictures. Now that she has turned 2 years old, I thought it would be fun to backtrack. Plus blogging is a much better way to display milestones than a baby book.
Here are Sarah’s 7 months stats:
Weight: 19 lbs 13 oz
Height: didn’t get it this month
Clothing Size: 6-9 months
Diaper Size: size 3
Food: Zucchini
What’s New:
Almost crawls aka rocks.
Sits in a high chair at a restaurant for a the first time.
We packed up the swing, gym and travel system car seat.
She’s loves the Jumperoo!
Sequels when mad.
Finds and puts pacifier in her mouth.
Picks up a Puff and puts it in her mouth.
2nd cold :(
Stands alone while holding onto sofa!
Sleep training again due to colds.

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