For the first year of Sarah’s life I documented her milestones on my iPhone. I also managed to take monthly pictures. Now that she has is two years old, I thought it would be fun to backtrack. Plus blogging is a lot more fun to display milestones than a baby book.
Sarah’s 9 Month Stats:
Weight: 22 lbs
Height: Didn’t get it this month.
Clothing Size: 6-9 months
Diaper Size: 3
Food: broccoli, croissant, string cheese, dried apples, feeds herself a bottle and cucumber.
What’s New:
People have nicknamed her, Smiley Sarah!
Pulled up on crib
Cruising along furniture.
Walks with hand help.
From crawling to sitting.
Tooth #3!
Uses her walker without falling.
First visit to the snow!
Sarah meets her Aunt Marnie!
Holidays: Halloween, Chanukah, my 30th birthday!
Sarah learns how to light Shabbat candles (this picture brought tears to my eyes!).
You might also like: 6 months, 7 months and 8 months old.