Shabbat 1000 {2013}

Last weekend my family and I participated in The Jewish Federation’s Shabbat 1000 celebration.

Just like last year, we received a Shabbat box in the mail.

IMG_1266IMG_1271Our 2013 Shabbat box included:

  • Shabbat candles
  • A challah coverĀ  with the words “rest” in bold to remind us that Shabbat is day of rest. Printed on the cover are the 39 melachot or the 39 general categories of labor that are forbidden on Shabbat.
  • An updated set of Shabbat cards with inspirational quotes, blessings and recipes, which I used to prepare our special Shabbat dinner.
  • A fridge magnet to remind us that Shabbat is always just around the corner.
  • A kid friendly tzedakah (charity) box, which Sarah decorated and has already started to fill.

IMG_1280IMG_1285IMG_1290This week’s meal consisted of challah (made that day by Sarah at her Tot Shabbat class), salad, matzo ball soup, apricot chicken, noodle kugel, and sautĆ©ed peas.

IMG_1145IMG_1665 IMG_1653 IMG_1655Sarah patiently waiting to start Shabbat dinner.

IMG_1658 IMG_1660 Everything was delicious! We loved the chicken so much that I wanted to share the recipe with my readers.

Apricot Chicken Recipe by Lisa Blumenstein

The ingredients: 8 oz apricot jam, 1/2 cup ketchup, 1/2 cup mayo, diced dried apricots (optional), whole chicken or parts.


  1. Preheat over to 350
  2. Grease 9×13 casserole dish
  3. Mix together ingredients in a bowl.
  4. Pour sauce to completely cover chicken, cover with foil.
  5. Bake covered for 45 minutes.

Thank you to The Jewish Federation for the opportunity to celebrate a special Shabbat with our community and for the kit you so generously provided!

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like it! and LOVE kugel :)

[…] the fourth year in a row my family and I have participated in The Jewish Federationā€™s Shabbat 1000 […]

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