Show & Tell Tuesday: Momfessionals

MomfessionalsHello Tuesday! It’s time for Show and Tell Tuesdays!

This week we are discussing…My Confessions as a Mom.


I was visiting my friend, Liza, one morning with 4 week old baby Jacob. I timed the whole day so that I would get to Sarah’s special share day at school on time. It was special because she wanted to share her new baby brother. I was sitting there nursing Jacob and talking with Liza when my timer went off. I to continued to feed him and asked Liza to help me pack up my diaper bag. A few more minuets go by and I start to panic. You see, Jacob is a very slow eater. He took anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour to nurse (even now he takes 30+ to finish his bottle). After a quick burp I put him in the car and turn the car on. I realize I’m going to be late. It was going to be ok. I was determined to show up with her “share” even if it were going to be late. Hubby arrives first and calls me to check in. He tells me the teacher says its to late and that we would reschedule a visit. With tears streaming down my face I looked at Jacob and started to cry.

This was the first time I wasn’t there for her.

This was the first time I let her down.

I got home and continued to cry in my car. After a few minutes hubby and Sarah arrived. I got out of the car, ran up to her and hugged her tightly.

I felt so bad!

This was the first time I felt what it’s like to be a mother of two.


Between school and our mommy group crafts, Sarah brings home a lot of art. Normally I keep the 3 most recent pieces on her art display and rotate when new ones they come in. I toss old pieces, but keep special pieces in a folder like this. One day when I had the house to my self I went on a throwing spree. I threw out a bunch of my stuff, hubby’s stuff and a LOT of Sarah’s art. With trash and recycle coming the next day, it worked out perfectly. Normally it works, but unfortunately I asked her to help me later that evening by taking out the recycle. Oops!


Hubby loves candy and I love chocolate so after Sarah has a few pieces of her candy from trick-or-treating, hubby and I eat 70% of it. The next day we take her to donate her loot so she never really knows what did or didn’t happen ;)

Have a momfession to share? Please comment below.

Happy Tuesday :)

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