I’m linking up with fellow bloggers for Show and Tell Tuesdays: What’s in my bag!
Let’s talk about the bag first. The first year of both kids lives I used a diaper bag. For Sarah I used this and for Jacob I used this. After they no longer needed all the bells and whistles I trade in the diaper bag for a real bag. I got the above bag here.
Thanks to this post I got a chance to clean out my bag.
I had lot’s of random things in there. I found Jacob’s socks, a mini bag of M&M’s, old receipts, a lollipop stick, and lot’s of napkins (you never know when your kid will make a mess or need to wipe his/her nose).
Now that it’s all clean I can show you what’s inside. As you can see I love pouches! All different sizes and colors. I like using big wide bags and making my own little compartments. That way when I need to get something specific I just take out the pouch and get what I need quickly.
Now that I’ve changed my bag over I still need some baby essentials. This pouch carries a changing pad, diapers, wipes and an extra outfit. It’s also a wet bag so it protects my bag from the dirty items.
My next pouch is random, but super important. It has tissues, lotion, sunscreen, hand sanitizer, band aids, chap stickS, lip gloss, lip stain (I have a thing for lip care), sunglasses case and a lot more. It’s defiantly my go to pouch and used the most. My next pouch has important receipts and coupons. Right now it’s just filled with Target receipts. Shhh don’t tell hubby!
I also carry a wallet (from here) and a Ziploc bag of disposable placements. Jacob is at the stage where he prefers to eat from the table, so I just stick something like this and we are good to go.
Have any tips or quirky things in your bag? Please share below.
Can’t wait to read what’s in your bag!