I’m linking up with Andrea and Erika for Show and Tell Tuesdays.
The theme this week is…Lottery.
ONEI would buy a big Mediterranean style house! I want lot’s of room!! So that when my family and friends visit, they would stay with me. There is nothing better then waking up and going to bed with your guests. Driving them around to hotels suck!! I also want a big living room and a big dinning room. Oh yeah and big closets!
TWO A house in Florida. This way when I visit my family, I can have my own place where I can put my things and even store some clothes.
THREEHire a chef. I can’t tell you how many hours, I meal plan, shop and cook for food. I love to cook, but if I could get a chef for my family I would be a much happier mama.
FOURUpgrade our cars. My car is awesome, but it’s 10 years old. I would get Range Rover, because I could.
I’d love to go on a long vacation with hubby. I miss spending time just us two. It would be nice to start a vacation with him and then maybe have the kids join us.
SIXWrite a check to charity whenever my heart desires. How nice would be to able to write a check just because?
What 6 THINGS would you do if you won the lottery?
To see past Show and Tell posts click below.
Happy Tuesday!