I’m liking up with Andrea and Erika for Show and Tell Tuesdays. I’m a bit late. But that’s life right now.
The theme this week…quirks.
I have a chapstick thing. I’m not sure if it’s an obsession or an addiction, but either way you will always find one near me.TWO
I have a thing about wearing shoes or slippers at all times. It drives people crazy, especially those that make you take your shoes off before you enter their house. It’s combination of my hyperhidrosis and not liking dirty feet.
It’s my thing.
So now I just pack socks in my bag.
And yes I even wear shoes/slippers at home. A warm one in winter and an open toed slipper during the summer.THREE
I really dislike fitted sheets. The idea of being wrapped up like a mummy doe snot sound relaxing to me. I undo my fitted sheets as soon as I get to the hotel.
I also like really thick comforters all year long. I also like the AC on all year long.
So to recap, loose bedding, thick comforter and AC blasting. Ya, I make a lot of sense.
I have to wear sunglasses when I am outside, otherwise I can’t “see”. If I run out to get the mail or get hubby before he’s off I must grab a pair of sunnies before going outside. The thought of squinting to see something sounds horrible.
I always have a container of water with me. I love the taste of water! I know it doesn’t have a taste, but to me it does. I also prefer to drink water through a straw. SIX
I bite my nails. I have been biting them since I can remember. I don’t always do it because I anxious I do it at random. I learned that while my nails are painted I don’t bite them. I should paint my nails more often.
I get annoyed when people don’t RSVP. I rather see you are a maybe then ignore the invite.
I get car sick, but not sea sick or have any other motion problems. If we are going on a long drive I need to be the one driving.
I only wash my hair twice a week. It get super dry and stiff if I over wash it. Plus my hair looks its best when its dirty.
I overheat quickly (hence my love for AC). I don’t blush or get red, I just get super clammy. It’s called hyperhidrosis. I have had surgery to fix it, but it’s regenerated.
What are some of your quirks? Please comment below.
See past Show and Tell posts below:
Happy Tuesday!

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