As a lifestyle blogger I have had really cool opportunities to share with you. Today I am sharing my Takeover Tuesday with So Cal Moms.

Who/What is SoCal Moms? A group of moms where you will discover resources for well-being, kid-friendly businesses and events, and unique products and services for parents.
Day In The Life with Mama Chit Chat
Every morning I start with a cup of coffee. I collect the Starbucks “Been There Series”. So anytime I travel I buy a Starbucks mug at that location. This way I can relive my travel adventures while drinking a cup of coffee. What do you collect?
Today I am reminiscing about our trip to Maui.

For breakfast, my kids grab items like yogurt or cereal. My kids have two drawers just for them, they know they can grab anything in there when they are hungry.

Next it’s time to get Jacob off the couch and set him up with Osmo. Osmo puts the fun in building learning fundamentals through the magic of hands-on play, tangible pieces and digital fun! Today Jacob is playing a coding game. Select kits are 50% off this summer! Use my code, MamaChitChat for a discount.

After I set him up, I made some breakfast. I eat eggs almost everyday. Today I made sunny side eggs, Dave’s Killer bread toast and avocado. I also started drinking water. My daily goal is to fill my tumbler 4x a day.

The boys were going to a Dodger game for the day so I walked Jacob into his room. As a mom I’m here to guide my kids, but I believe in systems so that they can be independent should I be unavailable. From an early age I made a drawer system for my kids. There’s a drawer for shirts, shorts and pants, socks and underwear, and one for pj’s. I didn’t fold or hang any of their clothes the first few years as caring for my babies was plenty. But now that my kids are older ages 8 and 12 this system has been very helpful and still used today.
Tip: Fold shirts in half so that you can easily find the shirt your looking for.

The boys left and now it was time for my daughters playdate. They made a kit from Baketivity. These kits are great and have everything you need to make either sweet or savory things. Today we made cake pops.

Use my code MamaChitChat to save on your Baketivty Kit.
While the girls were baking and hanging out I headed to my office to do some work. I love my little space!

I finished working and Sarahs friend was picked up. Now it was time to head out and run some errands.
Tip: For only $2.99 grab an iced coffee at Costco! It’s great during the hot summer months and tastes better then any frappachino out there for the fraction of the cost!

The boys send us a photo from their game! Go Dodgers!

It was my turn to host game night so I grabbed a few essentials while I was out running errands. For dinner we are having my favorite summer recipe of baked artichoke salmon and sun dried tomato pasta.

Thanks Trader Joes for making dinner super easy!
While I cook and prep the house I turned my vacuum on to handle the floor. One of the best inventions!

Dinner is served!

I love and treasure my time with my girlfriends. Cheers to girl time!

My friends left , the boys came home and Jacob got ready for bed. I met him in his bed for our favorite book, Mamasaurus.

Exhausted and happy, I collapse in bed with hubby. We watched some Manifest before falling asleep.

Good night So Cal Moms! Thanks for joining me today! Hope you were inspired and maybe even learned some tips and tricks. To see my live posts go here.
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Great job Sharon! So proud of you! I love to read all the things you do. Love you❤️