With Sarah back to school, I’ve been having major summer withdrawals.
It wasn’t the summer we planned, but it was definitely an adventurous summer.
We started off the summer by making a Summer Bucket List (see it here). Then my sweet hubby ruptured a disc and we were in and out of the hospital for a couple of weeks.Thankfully my sister, Osh, came to the rescue and helped us out.
See more of her trip here.
Sarah participated in her first dance recital.Sarah attended to a new camp, where she got to ride the yellow bus for the very first time!
We celebrated a few things like, 4th of July 7/11 day
and hubby’s birthday.
The kids and I went to Florida for 2 weeks.
We also went to the beach, pool, splash pad and aquatic center.
We took a few trips with our friends. We went to the Aquarium of the Pacific and Moxi museum.
I took the kids to the Museum of Ice Cream.
See more pictures here.
With hubby on the mend we went to the movies and saw Minions.
We ended the summer with a slip and slide ice cream party with our neighbors.
Bye, bye summer! We will miss you!

[…] that summer is over we are in school mode around […]