With Sarah back to school, I have been having major summer withdrawals. The lazy mornings, the fun adventures and the kids sun kissed cheeks. I miss it! In no particular order, here is our top TEN.
Back when I only had Sarah my moms group put together a Camp Mommy for the summer. Thursdays became Trip Thursdays. In spirit of that summer we spent most of our Thursdays going on adventures and checking things off on our summer bucket list.

La Brea Tar Pits

Every summer we pick a date where the whole family goes to see our favorite baseball team, the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Every summer we celebrate 4 holidays/occasions. Shavout, 4th of July, 7/11 day and hubby’s birthday.

We like to take at least one vacation every summer and this year we drove to Las Vegas.

And I took a couple of solo trips to Palm Springs for my sister’s bachlorette and to Florida for my sister’s bridal shower.

What’s summer without the beach, pool and splash pad. We had lot’s of fun days playing in the water.

Sarah attended 5 camps this summer! Growing up I went to one summer camp all summer long and went to that camp for most of my childhood. In So Cal it’s common to attend multiple camps on different days. So that’s what Miss Sarah did. Three were scheduled with friends and two were with friends she had met at school.

She also did 2 camp sleepovers! My girl is so brave!

And the cherry on top was when BOTH kids went to camp at the same time for TWO days! It was glorious and a great glimpse into how things will be in the fall when Jacob goes to preschool.

When it got too hot to play outside, we opted for some air condition locations and took the kids to the movies. We saw Incredibles 2, Hotel Transylvania 3 and a couple $1 old kids movies with friends.

One of our favorite summer activities are the summer concerts! The easy breezy picnic dinners, the music and the gathering of friends is truly one of my favorite things living in So Cal.

Not only have we been having a busy summer, but our kids have been having some major milestones! Before our summer got hectic, we carved out 3 days and began potty training Jacob. I’m glad we waited until he was 3 years old because it’s been so EASY. Little man was ready and fully understood the concept.
Sarah lost her 8th tooth! She got a nice visit from the tooth fairy.

This was the summer of date nights. Now that we have a babysitter we love and trust we have been making a big effort to go out on dates. Its been really lovely! We even recently discussed going away for the weekend.

Bye, bye summer! We will miss you!