Prior to the start of summer my friend Liza and I enrolled our girls in mommy and me swim lessons.
Not only was it close by, it was at a country club with pretty cabanas (unfortunately we never got to take advantage of).
Our teacher is nicknamed “Mean Marjean”. Her teaching style is kind of aggressive, but it works.
The lessons were twice a week an hour long for four consecutive weeks. We had four kids in our class (including our girls). We each took turns with the teacher while the other kids practiced or played in the pool.
The first week was really great! The weather was perfect and the water was warm.
Our second week fell during June Gloom. Between the foggy weather and the colder water, Sarah was no longer interested.
If you know Sarah or have been following this blog for a while, you know that Sarah gets ear infections very often (so often, that she had ear tubes put in last summer). As luck would have it, Sarah got an ear infection two days before finishing the program.
Unfortunately, the school we attend is very popular. So after a few weeks of healing and schedule rearranging we finally attended our last day of swimming lessons today.
Thanks to the Mommy & Me style swim lessons, Sarah is a lot more comfortable in the water. She enjoys jumping in the water and swimming to the stairs!
After every class the kids would walk into the teachers office to pick out their lollipop. So every time I would pull into the parking lot, Sarah would remind me that, “Marjean gives lollipops!”
Even though candy is not my reward of choice, it seemed to work for those days she was cranky.
Here we are after our last class with her lollipop and our plaque for completing the 2 week program!
Thanks to Mean Marjean’s techniques, Sarah can now swim!

[…] completing swimming lessons last summer, Sarah loved to swim! She would swim to and from the wall and even jump in and swam to […]